Monday, September 24, 2012

Sekarang aku minat Zheng Fu, Shila Hamzah


sebab dia menang Asian Wave disaat dia bawa lagu Zheng Fu.
tak minat tak semestinya benci.. hanya anggap dia macam penyanyi lain..

aku rasa the moment dia bawak lagu tu, dia dah menang.. aku tengok semua perfomance dia.. tapi ada satu je yang berjaya menyusuk minda terus rasa nak ulang lebih dari empat kali video dia nyanyi lagu ni.  meremang bulu tangan o... waktu dia dengan tiga suara pun tak rasa macam ni..

Dulu,dato' siti ada nyanyi lagu ni. dia duet dengan lee hom.. hensem o leehom**.. waktu tu takde la timbul rasa "eh, best jugak lagu nih".. bila dengar shila nyanyi lagu tu jadi macam trend baru pulak kat aku... hilang kejap gangnam style.. ;)

tahniah la shila..;)
memang rasa bangga bila dia menang dan dia dapat penghargaan juri.. kebanyakkan juri China pulak tu. siap standing ovation

bila baca komen-komen kat youtube, memang rasa bangga walaupun bukan aku yang kena puji.. sebab apa, sebab dia orang negara kita. apa yang aku baca, pertandingan ni bukan atas pilihan juri seratus peratus tapi atas pilihan penonton jugak yang rata-rata adalah rakyat negara China tu sendiri. kiranya Shila ni dah ada fans base dah kat sana.. yela sebab dia menang dan yang undi dia majoriti rakyat negara tu sendiri.

ni aku copy paste komen-komen kat youtube:

1. Imagine she, a lady who did not know Mandarin, can sing a mandarin song, and a very tough and high pitch song.... awesome....~!~! Even more, she can win this competition by this song... a NON CHINESE conquer the stage by using a CHINESE SONG...
What is race mean? Race means the "race" betwen human being regardless of skin color, or the superiortiy of a ethnic... it's all talk about capability.

2.  She cried even before she was announced the winner probably because she had the loudest cheers from the audience, which is really saying something even if she didn't win.
Congrats Shila!
Malaysian pride :D
3. Funny but do you know that Shila's father is the singer of "PM Kita" a song dedicated to our Prime Minister , the BN leader.
Dont play politics, seems like she's singing in Chinese languange, politics issues arise.
Remember b4 this Sheila Majid and Amy Mastura have made it in Japan. But we never heard politics comments like this.
I bet if this interneational competition is in Japan (just like b4) , no 'kiasu' people will pay any attention to Shila Amzah.

*kualiti video tak berapa best.. 
cari kat yotube kalu nak tengok yang best

o ye..
Minwoo Shinhwa pun salah sorang juri.. ada jugak rupanya...

salam ;)

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